
Review Management Services (Reputation Management)

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Reputation Management for Law Firms

Across all industries, 90% of local consumers base their decision on what other people have to say. Getting reviews from previous clients is powerful for your law firm marketing engine.

Reviews from former clients tell a story about what you’re like to work with. By painting a picture for potential clients, reviews can help convert someone who needs to hire an attorney.

But if your law firm receives numerous reviews, it can be hard to stay on top of what people have submitted.

Reputation management services like the ones offered by Law Marketing Zone® could help you with this. By managing your online reviews, you could look more attractive to potential clients.

Benefits of Reputation Management Tools for Law Firms

When clients see multiple five-star reviews on your website or online profiles, it signals trust and credibility. People tend to trust the experiences of others just like them. Potential clients seek out reviews to understand what it may be like working with you.

Reviews are valuable for local SEO. Besides sending positive signals to prospective clients, they are an important ranking factor.

Reviews on your Google Business Profile (formerly Google My Business) can help you up in local searches.

Google’s algorithm takes both the review count and rating into account when ranking businesses. These factors determine your “prominence” and likelihood of showing up in search results. Complete and accurate data across your local business listings are important, too.

If you get a lot of reviews across many platforms, a reputation management tool can help you stay on top of them.

One quick note about automating review requests. If you use automated review requests, they should follow any bar association rules. Verify that you’re also following any rules from the review platform, too. Certain review sites are less comfortable with businesses soliciting reviews.

Develop Better Ways of Getting and Responding to Reviews

The sooner you set up systems to build on referrals and word of mouth, the better. Getting in the habit of asking clients to leave you reviews can help your local online presence.

Making it simple for clients and automating the process with reputation management services can assist with this. Doing so can increase the chances they’ll take the valuable extra step of leaving you a review.

There’s good and bad news about digital marketing for law firms: you have access to more tools and things to track than ever.

When used properly, these tools are a great way to build your law firm’s online presence. But many lawyers find it overwhelming to manage local business listings, social media, local SEO, reputation management, and public relations.

Handing things off to a knowledgeable marketing partner ensures you’ve covered all the bases. If you want to grow your reputation and level up your law firm marketing, contact Law Marketing Zone® today.

Ready to Level Up Your Marketing?

There’s a lot that you can do to position yourself well in the online world, which has become the very foundation of long-term success.

Make no mistake – your competitors are going above and beyond to spread the word about themselves online. You’d better do the same if you want to rise above them.

Remember that it all comes down to understanding your customer. Once you know what they need, finding a way to draw them in will be much easier. So, build your marketing efforts around your ideal customer and you’ll see massive results.

If you’d like to discuss how you can generate better results online, let’s schedule a time to chat. You can pick a time that works for you now by going to https://lawmarketingzone.com/bookacall

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